
A reduction of the Boltzmann-Peierls Equation

by Kunik, M.; Shamsul, Q.; Warnecke, G.


Preprint series: 03-06, Preprints

65M99 None of the above but in this section
76Y05 Quantum hydrodynamics and relativistic hydrodynamics, See also {83C55, 85A30}


Abstract: This paper is concerned with the solutions of initial value problems of the Boltzmann-Peierls equation (BPE). This integro-differential equation describes the evolution of heat in crystalline solids at very low temperatures. The BPE describes the evolution of the phase density of a phonon gas. The corresponding entropy density is given by the entropy density of a Bose-gas. We derive a reduced three-dimensinal kinetic equation which has a much simpler structure than the original BPE. Using special coordinates in the one-dimensional case, we can perform a further reduction of the kinetic equation. Making a one-dimensionality assumption on the initial phase density one can show that this property is preserved for all later times. We derive kinetic schemes for the kinetic equation as well as for the derived moment systems. Several numerical test cases are shown in order to validate the theory

Keywords: Boltzmann-Peierls equation, Bose-gas, phonos, kinetic schemes

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