Highschool Education, Hawker College, Canberra, Australia (1984-1985):
Bachelor of Science, Honours, Australian National University (1986-1991):
- Honours Thesis: Mean Curvature Flow of Rotationally Symmetric Hypersurfaces
Masters/ Ph.D Studies, Melbourne University (1992-1997)
Ph. D. Defence, Melbourne University (1997)
Postdoc, Max Planck Institut for Mathematics in the Natural Sciences, Leipzig (Feb. 1998- Jan. 1999)
Ph. D. ( Melbourne University) officially accepted (1999)
Postdoc, Humboldt University of Berlin (Feb. 1999- June 1999)
Postdoc/Scientific Assistant, Albert Ludwigs University Freiburg ( July 1999- July 2012)
Habilitation , Albert Ludwigs University Freiburg (2007)
- Selected chapters from my Habilitation Thesis pdf "Ricci flow of almost non-negatively curved three manifolds" , Nov. 2006
University Professor, Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg (2011-)