
Discrete Stable Random Variables

by Christoph, G; Schreiber, K.


Preprint series: 97-05, Preprints

The paper is published: Statistics & Probab. Letters 37 (1998), 243-247

60E05 Distributions: general theory
60F05 Central limit and other weak theorems
60E07 Infinitely divisible distributions; stable distributions


Abstract: In Steutel and van Harn (1979) a discrete analogue of stability was introduced.In the present note we consider same explicit and asymptotic formulae for the prob-abilities and the tail of the distribution of discrete stable random variables and giverates for the convergence of sequences of certain discrete stable random variables toa stable one.

Keywords: strictly stable random variables, explicit and asymptotic formulae forprobabilities, stable random variables, rate of convergence

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