
Integer Pivoting Revisited

by Firla, R. T.; Haus, U.-U.; Köppe, M.; Spille, B.; Weismantel, R.


Preprint series: 01-25, Preprints

90C10 Integer programming


Abstract: This paper deals with algorithmic issues related to the design of an augmentation algorithm for general and 0/1-integer programs. We recall the approach of integer pivoting and introduce the family of Gomory-Young augmentation vectors that can be derived from a simplex tableau. Furthermore, a technique of combining Gomory-Young vectors and combinatorial augmentation vectors in one augmentation scheme is presented. Two computational experiments demonstrate the potential of pivoting in an integer fashion.

Keywords: integer programming, primal algorithm, integer simplex, integral basis

Notes: First, fourth and fifth author supported by a Gerhard-Hess-Forschungsf rderpreis (WE 1462/2-2) of the German Science Foundation (DFG) awarded to R. Weismantel. Second and third author supported by grants FKZ 0037KD0099 and FKZ 2495A/0028G of the Kultusministerium of Sachsen-Anhalt.

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Letzte Änderung: 01.03.2018 - Ansprechpartner: Webmaster