
A Discreized Model for Tracer Population Balance Equation: Improved Accuracy and Convergence

by Kumar, J.; Peglow, M.; Warnecke, G.; Heinrich, S.; Mörl, L.


Preprint series: 05-16, Preprints

65M99 None of the above but in this section
82C80 Numerical methods (Monte Carlo, series resummation, etc.)
45K05 Integro-partial differential equations


Abstract: A new discretization for tracer population balance equation is developed. It is compared to the modified discretized tracer population balance equation of Peglow et al. (2005, submitted to AIChE). The new formulation provides excellent prediction of the tracer mass distribution in all test cases. Furthermore, the new formulation is more efficient from a computational point of view, it takes less computationaleffort and is able to give a very good prediction for computation. For finer grids, both formulations tend to produce the same results. The performance of the new formulation is illustrated by the comparison with various analytically tractable problems. Moreover, the new formulation preserves all the advantages of the modified discretized tracer population balance equation of Peglow et al. (2005) and provides a significant improvement in predicting tracer mass distribution and tracer weighted mean particle volume during aggregation process.

Keywords: Population balance, discretization, aggregation, particle, tracer, batch,

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Letzte Änderung: 01.03.2018 - Ansprechpartner: Webmaster