
On a Parallel Machine Scheduling Problem with Equal Processing Times

by Kravchenko, S.A.; Werner, F.


Preprint series: 07-26, Preprints

The paper is published: Discrete Applied Mathematics, Vol. 157, 2009, 848 - 852.

90B35 Scheduling theory, See also {68M20}


Abstract: In this paper, we give a polynomial algorithm for problem $P|r_j, p_j=p|\sum f_j(C_j)$, where $f_j$ is any non-decreasing function such that for any indices $i$ and $j$, function $f_i - f_j$ is monotonous, and a pol ynomial algorithm for problem $P| r_j, p_j=p, D_j| max phi_j(C_j)$, where $phi_j$ is any non-decreasing function for any $j$.

Keywords: Parallel Machine Scheduling, Linear Programming

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