
Lower Bounds on the coefficients of Ehrhart Polynomials

by Henk, M.; Tagami; M.


Preprint series: 07-37, Preprints

52C07 Lattices and convex bodies in $n$ dimensions, See Also {11H06, 11H31, 11P21}
11H06 Lattices and convex bodies, See also {11P21, 52C05, 52C07}


Abstract: We present lower bounds for the coefficients of Ehrhart polynomials of convex lattice polytopes in terms of their volume. We also introduce two formulas for calculating the Ehrhart series of a kind of a

Keywords: Lattice polytopes, Ehrhart polynomials

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Letzte Änderung: 01.03.2018 - Ansprechpartner: Webmaster